Reflection Group
The Group used to meet, in the Retro Choir, every Thursday after the 1900 Mass for as little or as long as people wish to stay, but is currently in abeyance.
Depending on the wishes of those present the Rosary may be said or there may be a reflective time for Prayer in silence.
All are welcome to attend for a few moments of peace.
The purpose is to pray, before the Blessed Sacrament, for the Sick of the Parish, the Intentions of those present and any special intentions received. Intentions may be left in the box on the window ledge of Our Lady of Lourdes window, at the rear of Church.
Visits to the Blessed Sacrament in Church may be made at any time – using the access Code for the small Porch. This may be obtained from The Priory.
Contact Janet Decamp 01257-462218